You Got w88 sports betting app! Empowering the Pack
Humanize setbacks and empower your students by participating in w88 sports betting app campaign and sharing your story
Hopefully, your semester is off to a great start, and w88 sports betting app are on pace to cover everything in your syllabi. I also hope that students have located the book and supply lists (and acquired those items). Finally, I hope that students have made decisions to attend your classes since we know that, in general, those who attend classes perform at a higher level than those who do not attend classes.
Even though we know that w88 sports betting app “formula” is not rocket science, the factors that impact student persistence and graduation rates can be a bit more complex than having the course outline, the books, and the location of the classroom. In keeping with the best practices of any excellent scholarly practitioner, I want to offer you a hypothesis and learning outcomes for w88 sports betting app mini workshop (presented in the form of w88 sports betting app blog post). I am writing today to request your help in implementing an initiative aimed at Empowering the Pack.

It has been my experience that students who are surrounded by a supportive environment flourish at a higher rate than those who feel insecure about themselves and their spaces. I need w88 sports betting app to digest the data herein and work with me to achieve the following learning outcomes:
- An increased awareness of the nexus between demonstrations of humanity and student success.
- An increased awareness in the ability of humans to influence the sense of belonging of w88 sports betting app.
- An increased understanding of how w88 sports betting app can partner with the Division of Student Services to create brave spaces on campus for learning and engagement.
Your classrooms and offices around campus invite w88 sports betting app who possess diversity in their lived experiences, expectations and needs. Like all of us, w88 sports betting app arrive on campus carrying the emotions that are attached to those experiences, expectations and needs. Unlike most of us, w88 sports betting app have had less practice balancing those feelings and the rigor of college coursework. They are less likely to have learned to compartmentalize these feelings as they develop the adulting skills required of college w88 sports betting app seeking degrees.
Learning to balance and compartmentalize feelings while delving into the methods and theories of their respective disciplines can be overwhelming at times. While w88 sports betting app is not the case for every student, in every class, every day, these challenges impact others at times you may not expect.
Your classrooms are places where w88 sports betting app disseminate data and, perhaps, infuse human values into your work. w88 sports betting app empower students every day with knowledge to aid them on the journey to develop academically, socially and personally.
Students often communicate that they need community. In fact, their statements were confirmed in the Campus Climate Survey results. In order to meet the definition of community, we need communication and collaboration. My office is working in connection with w88 sports betting app Counseling Services and the Office of Marketing & Communication on a campaign that uses vulnerability to help relate to students and normalize emotions, failure, missteps, pain and challenges as part of the human experience.
I invite you participate with me in the “You Got w88 sports betting app! Empowering the Pack” campaign.
- Share a story of a time w88 sports betting app failed or had a setback. Share it in your classrooms or one-on-one with your students.
- Those interested in sharing their story with a larger audience are invited to post about their setback on social media using the hashtag #EmpoweringThePack.
- If w88 sports betting app are not on social media, w88 sports betting app can email with your story and a photo of yourself. They are looking for stories like w88 sports betting app to share on the University’s Instagram account.
It is my hope that through sharing real stories we humanize the occurrence of unexpected or uncomfortable emotions or events. Moreover, I hope that our students learn that they are not alone. If you have questions about w88 sports betting app campaign or would like to get more involved, email me at
Thank w88 sports betting app for all w88 sports betting app do for our students. Go Pack!