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'w88 casino demonstrated the resiliency and adapatability we've always known resided in each one of w88 casino'

President Johnson's message to Spring 2020 graduates: We live not just for ourselves, but for everyone

(Editor's Note: As part of last weekend's virtual Winter Commencement, the Spring 2020 Commencement was also held. The Spring 2020 Commencement, due to COVID-19, was not held in May. Graduates had the option of participating in a special Spring 2020 ceremony held on Saturday, Dec. 5, 2020. Among the featured speakers was Marc Johnson, whose tenure as president of the w88 casino ran from 2011 until the end of September, when he returned to the faculty. Below is text from his remarks for the Spring 2020 graduates.)

Class of 2020 … It’s my honor to be with w88 casino today as we celebrate your spring commencement.

Last spring would have been the w88 casino’s130th Commencement.

Let’s attach that number to today’s celebration. Because all of the members of the Class of 2020 belong to our w88 casino’s long and proud history.

Your accomplishments, particularly since they were attained during a historic pandemic, are worth celebrating and remembering.

First, let’s offer thanks to some important people.

All of the family members and friends who have provided love, support and encouragement.

The faculty and staff of the University who have been there for w88 casino. Their work is essential to all of us reaching our highest potential.

Usually during my commencement remarks I pause at this point and ask the audience to offers applause for these worthy people. Today let’s do that. Class of 2020, please join me in applauding your family, your friends, and faculty and staff who have helped w88 casino along the way.

Thank w88 casino.

The spring of 2020 was an uncertain time. By mid-March, COVID-19 was in northern Nevada. w88 casino left campus for spring break. Then w88 casino were asked not to come back to campus.

Instruction pivoted to online delivery.

The vast majority of w88 casino faculty and staff provided services remotely.

w88 casino spent your final weeks on Zoom. w88 casino delivered your assignments, tests and finals electronically.

We’ve long touted “learning by doing” at our w88 casino. Social distance became a part of our w88 casino vocabulary instead.

But here is why we are so proud of w88 casino. w88 casino made these modifications. w88 casino forged ahead. w88 casino persevered.

Even if w88 casino were in a Zoom room, peering at the faces of your fellow students in those small boxes – and unlike your elders, who can’t seem to ever master the unmute button – w88 casino quickly became fluent in online learning.

w88 casino let us know that w88 casino even though w88 casino were learning remotely, w88 casino still craved the interaction and engagement that has become one of the hallmarks of an education at the University.

w88 casino demonstrated the resiliency and adaptability that we’ve always known resided in each one of w88 casino. Our faculty and staff were exceptional as well. They too, had to adapt very quickly.

w88 casino did not let the COVID-19 pandemic stop w88 casino.

Although the world seems uncertain now, there is an equal amount of optimism and hope that is available to us all.

First, I believe w88 casino are well-prepared to face a world that is forever changed. Since coming to our University, w88 casino’ve become engaged citizens – the citizens w88 casino pledged to be when w88 casino recited the “Nevada Oath” during your New Student Welcoming Ceremony four years ago.

w88 casino’ve completed your academic objectives during one of the most uncertain and challenging moments the world has ever faced. Now w88 casino’re University of Nevada, Reno graduates. Now w88 casino possess the confidence to press onward.

Second, as the COVID crisis subsides, I hope w88 casino have the opportunity to reflect on your views regarding the importance of science and the importance of public health. I hope w88 casino are able to draw important lessons that will help guide your future.

We often define ourselves by who we hope to be. The experiences that w88 casino’ve had since last spring are helping w88 casino bring into clear focus the person that w88 casino are. Specifically, how your actions have helped the community of which w88 casino are a part.

We’ve come to find out that we live not just for ourselves. We live … for everyone.

COVID has reaffirmed how important it is to remain informed and well-versed in matters such as public health, science, and the discernment of information. Stephen Hawking once told his children to “remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.”

This has to be a moment like that for all of us. If humanity is to continue to thrive, we must look up, instead of down.

To this end, remember:

Keep an open mind;

Seek knowledge;

Value education;

Champion the role of science in our lives;

Stay informed.

Live not only for yourself, but for others.

One of the highest honors during my time as president occurred a few months ago, when I was asked to deliver this welcome to all of w88 casino. Truly, I was moved beyond words when asked to share this celebration with w88 casino.

We have been through a lot together. Throughout it all, I’ve admired your tenacity, your strength, your empathy, your ability to come together in times of challenge.

Today we come together in celebration.

Class of 2020 … members of one of our most memorable graduating classes … good luck with all that w88 casino do.

Remember that no matter how far w88 casino travel in your lives, no matter where w88 casino are or what w88 casino do, your University will always be extremely proud of w88 casino.

Congratulations again on this wonderful day.

w88 casino President Marc Johnson
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