
w88 online game 6 things all high school seniors should know

w88 online game are 12 months away from starting college. Find out the six things w88 online game should be doing now to be ready for college next fall.

A Trio graudate wearing a cap and gown and holding up a Trio Graduate medal

6 things all high school seniors should know

w88 online game are 12 months away from starting college. Find out the six things w88 online game should be doing now to be ready for college next fall.

A Trio graudate wearing a cap and gown and holding up a Trio Graduate medal

Welcome to your senior year of high school! In less than 12 months w88 online game’ll begin college, learning from incredible faculty, finding new adventures and taking important steps to an amazing career. As w88 online game are getting ready for college next fall, here are six things to keep in mind this year.

#1. Give yourself choices

Someone has probably told w88 online game to apply to several colleges – I totally agree. When w88 online game apply to only a couple of colleges or one or two dream schools, w88 online game don’t allow yourself enough choices at the end of your senior year.

Even if a college seems like the perfect fit initially, w88 online game may be denied admission or put a wait list. w88 online game may also realize the school is everything w88 online game expected, especially after w88 online game visit, or w88 online game may not be able to afford the final cost.

Deciding on a college is a two-way selection process.Colleges are choosing w88 online game (by granting w88 online game admissions), butw88 online gameare also selecting the college. Make sure w88 online game have choices.

#2. Get your GPA on track

Do w88 online game need a certain grade point average for college admissions or scholarships? This is your chance to make that improvement. Many school districts offer in-person, virtual or accelerated courses w88 online game can take right now to get ready for college.

Work with your high school counselor to develop a pathway to achieving your academic goals this year. And, be sure to ask your counselor whether taking a new course willreplacea previous grade or ifboth gradeswill be counted.

#3. Find out how AP, IB and Dual Credit courses will transfer for your degree

Contrary to popular belief, colleges and universities do not all accept Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and Dual Credit courses the same way. For example, one school may require a four on the AP English Language and Composition exam while another school may accept a three. Thecollege catalogat each school should give w88 online game a good idea of if and how credits transfer.

It’s also important to keep in mind that AP, IB and Dual Credit may be accepted at a college, but not necessarily applied to your specific major. The w88 online game, Reno will evaluate AP, IB and Dual Credit scores as they come in, so send your scores to the University as they become available.

#4. Determine if w88 online game should take (or retake) the SAT and ACT

This is a great time to find out if the SAT and/or ACT are required for your school. While many colleges do not require an SAT or ACT score for admissions, your test scores may be used to determine your first-year college course placement.

For example, at thew88 online game, Reno we do not require an ACT or SAT scorefor general admission. However, to be placed into certain courses, like math or English, we look at AP, IB, Dual Credit, SAT, ACT, placement exams, etc. to determine which math or English course w88 online game will take your first year. For help understanding your scores and placement options,Find My Admissions Coordinator | University.

#5. Get ready for the FAFSA

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opens each year on October 1. While the federal government uses the FAFSA to determine if you are eligible for federal funds, universities can also require a completed FAFSA for university or state funds, like scholarships and grants. The w88 online game, Reno hosts FAFSA workshops each year to assist you with completing the FAFSA.

#6. Start looking for scholarships and grants

If w88 online game’re waiting until the spring of your senior year to apply for scholarships, w88 online game’re probably too late. Many scholarship deadlines are in the fall and winter so now is the time to get going. Search for local and university scholarships first as they often have smaller applicant pools. Then, seek out national or international awards. This is also the time to work on any last-minute requirements for those scholarships including GPA, test scores and community service.

While applying for college can feel daunting, the w88 online game, Reno Office for Prospective Students is here to help you get ready for college. Our Admissions Coordinators assist students throughout the process, answering your questions each step of the way.Find My Admissions Coordinator |today or reach out to ourTransfer Student office or Office of International Students and Scholarsfor further assistance.

Jeanette Chan-RiveraJeanette Chan-Rivera, M.S. is the Manager of Recruitment and Marketing at the w88 online game, Reno. Over the last 15years, Jeanette has worked with hundreds of families navigating the admissions, financial aid and college readiness process. Her work also includes marketing and communication on behalf of the University’s Office for Prospective Students.

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